International Symposium of Ligaments & Tendons – IV
University of California, San Francisco
March 6, 2004
The International Symposium on Ligaments & Tendons provides a forum to discuss state-of-the-art ligament and tendon research. By bringing together some of the best minds in our field, we hope to address challenging problems in ligament and tendon biomechanics and biology, and set new research directions that hold great potential for the future.
Planning Committee
Savio L-Y. Woo, Ph.D., D.Sc. (Hon.) – Chair
Zong-Ming Li, Ph.D. – Vice Chair
Yoshiyuki Takakura, M.D., Ph.D.
Steven D. Abramowitch, B.S.
Diann DeCenzo, M.S.- Treasurer
Serena Chan Saw, M.S.
Mrs. Jane Peart
Local Organizing Committee
Marc Safran, M.D. – Chair
W. Dilworth Cannon, M.D.
Benjamin Ma, M.D.
Mr. Layne Sanders
Christina Allen, M.D.
Jeffrey Lotz, Ph.D.
Christian Puttlitz, Ph.D.
International Program Committee
Kai-Nan An, Ph.D. (North America)
Albert Banes, Ph.D. (North America)
Kai-Ming Chan, M.D. (Asia)
Lars Engebretsen, M.D., Ph.D. (Europe)
Toru Fukubayashi, M.D. (Asia)
Maury Hull, Ph.D. (North America)
Pier Paolo Mariani, M.D. (Europe)
Louis Soslowsky, Ph.D. (North America)
Yoshiyuki Takakura, M.D., Ph.D. (N America)
Kazunori Yasuda, M.D., Ph.D. (Asia)
Steven Arnoczky, DVM (N. America)
Giuliano Cerulli, M.D. (Europe)
Chih-Hwa Chen, M.D. (Asia)
Evan Flatow, M.D. (North America)
Jo Hannafin, M.D. (North America)
Zong-Ming Li, Ph.D. (North America)
Per Renström, M.D., Ph.D. (Europe)
Paul Sung, Ph.D. (North America)
Edward Wojtys, M.D. (North America)