International Symposium of Ligaments & Tendons – XII
February 3, 2012
Hilton Financial District
San Francisco, California
The 12th International Symposium on Ligaments and Tendons (ISL&T-XII) hosted by Dr. Kai-Ming Chan and Dr. Savio Woo was held on Friday, February 3, 2012 at the Hilton Financial District Hotel in San Francisco, California. This year’s meeting had an overwhelming response with the largest number in attendance – 177 participants coming from 13 different countries. It was by far the best ISL&T!
There were 43 podium presentations nicely grouped in five different themes – ACL, Tendon & Ligament Tissue Engineering, Rotator Cuff, Tendinopathy and Biology & Biomechanics of Tendons & Ligaments. Renowned researchers and scholars, Drs. Cyril Frank, David Butler, Louis Soslowsky, Patrik Danielson and Ronen Schweitzer, were invited to give a keynote lecture on each theme with Dr. Mitsuo Ochi presenting a clinical lecture. Participants enjoyed very much the high quality presentations and keynote lectures as well as the interactive discussions in an intimate group.
There were two poster sessions scheduled during the 30-min breaks. A total of 30 posters were presented. Each poster presenter gave a 1 min presentation to the moderators and other attendees.
Following ISL&T tradition, the all-day meeting was concluded with a banquet at the Far East Café in Chinatown. Attendees enjoyed great Chinese cuisine and socializng with others. We would like to extend a special thank you to the faculty sponsors for their financial support of the ISL&T banquet.
ISLT – XIII Award Winners
Savio L-Y. Woo Young Researcher Award Winner
Jonathan P. Gumucio
University of Michigan
Abstract: Rotator Cuff Tear Changes the Expression of Several Small Non-Coding RNA Molecules that Regulate Muscle Atrophy, Fibrosis and Autophagy

Best Research Fellow Paper
Lucy Bosworth
University of Manchester
Abstract: IdentificFabricating Scaffolds of Electrospun Nanofibres from Synthetic Biopolymers for Tendon Repairs

Best Student Paper
Stephen Ros
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Abstract: Visualization of Collagen Matrix Damage in a Tendon Fascicle Fatigue Model

Best Poster
Max Davis
University of Michigan
Abstract: Fiber-Type Switching and Reduction in Specific Force Production Following Rotator Cuff Tear


We gratefully ackowledge the support of the following individuals, whose generosity helped make ISL&T-XIV possible.
Professor Chih-Hwa Chen
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital at Keelung
Dr. Savio L-Y. Woo
Musculoskeletal Research Center, University of Pittsburgh
Dr. Steven Arnoczky
The Laboratory for Comparative Orthopaedic Research,
Michigan State University
Professor Kai-Ming Chan
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Dr. David Butler
University of Cincinnati
Dr. Ranjan Gupta
University of California, Irvine
Dr. Evan Flatow
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Dr. Braden Fleming
Brown University
Dr. Lou Soslowsky
University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Ray Vanderby
University of Wisconsin
Dr. Guoan Li
Massachusetts General Hospital
Dr. Martha Murray
Children’s Hospital, Boston
Dr. Per Renstrom
Karolinska Institutet
Professor Toru Fukubayashi
University of Waseda