International Symposium of Ligaments & Tendons – XIII
October 18, 2013
Let People Move Research Institute
Arezzo Fiere e Congressi
Arezzo, Italy

The Inaugural European International Symposium on Ligaments and Tendons, ISL&T-XIII, hosted by Professors Giuliano Cerulli and Savio Woo was held on Friday, October 18, 2013 at the Arezzo Fiere e Congressi in Arezzo, Italy. This year’s meeting was attended by over 150 participants

The program was comprised of a clinical lecture by Dr. Ramon Cugat and 6 keynote lectures by Drs. Albert Banes, Anastasios Georgoulis, Graham Riley, Mario Lamontagne, Mitsuo Ochi and Maurilio Marcacci. There were 37 podium presentations grouped into three themes – Biology and Biomechanics of Ligaments and Tendons, Biological Augmentation for Tendon and Ligament Healing and Tissue Engineering of Tendons and Ligaments as well as 15 posters. The high quality presentations, keynote lectures as well as the interactive discussions were enjoyed by all.

Following ISL&T tradition, the all-day meeting was concluded with a banquet. Attendees enjoyed great Italian food and socializing with others. During the banquet we recognized outstanding papers presented by students, fellows and residents with awards for the Savio L-Y. Woo Young Research Award, Best Fellow Paper, Best Student Paper and Best Poster. Each award consisted of a certificate and a monetary prize (donated by Flexcell International Corporation).
ISLT – XIII Award Winners
Savio L-Y. Woo Young Researcher Award Winner
Biomechaics Category
Chavaunne T. Thorpe, M.D.
Queen Mary, University of London
Abstract: Fatigue Loading Causes a Reduction in the Ability of Tendon Fascicles to Recoil

Best Fellow Paper
Francesca Sardone, Ph.D.
CNR – National Research Council of Italy, Institute of Molecular Genetics
Abstract: Identification of Collagen VI in the Pericellular Matrix of Human Anterior Cruciate Ligament

Best Student Paper
Kwang Kim, B.S.
Musculoskeletal Research Center, University of Pittsburgh
Abstract: The Development of a Novel Magnesium-Based Interference Screw for ACL Reconstruction: A Time-Zero Study in a Goat Model

Best Poster
Tomoyuki Suzuki, M.D.
Sapporo Medical University
Abstract: Biomechanical Comparison Between Anatomical Rectangular Tunnel and Isometric Round Tunnel ACL Reconstructions with a Bone-Patella Tendon Bone Graft
